Monday, September 12, 2016

9.11.16 New Companion, District Leader, and Yummy Food

In Gongju for District meeting and ate some pizza Tangsooyook in which i took a photo with this cute dog
Well, this week was crazy! We got transfer calls and............................................Elder Heo got transferred to Jeonju.  CRAZY  and i got a new companion here in Sejong named Jahng Won Jin and I'm staying for my 4th transfer here, what a blessing!!  and I also became District Leader for 4 areas and 13 missionaries which is the biggest district in the mission and all in highly productive areas sooooooo I've been a little stressed out of late to be honest haha. Theres been a LOT of prayers thrown up to Heaven and a lot of study from PMG and training resources.  Other than that our most progressing investigator dropped us and doesn't want to meet anymore so that kind of threw us for a whirlwind yesterday...and since here in Korea this week is Chuseok(the biggest holiday of the year) no one can meet and all the members are out of town so, woot woot we are gonna have to see some miracles!  But, Elder Yoon Hwan Choi of the Seventy is doing a mission tour with us on Wednesday and I'm SUPER excited for that because I remember our last mission tour in March with Elder Whiting of the Seventy and you could just feel the spirit so tangibly and strongly while he spoke and testified of the divinity of the Savior and this work.  Other than that i love my new comp, he's 22 and he's been in the field 5 months so despite becoming senior comp Im still younger than everyone haha.  Anyways, things are difficult but I know that the Lord is looking out for us and his children and there is light at the end of the tunnel.  As i was reading in Doctrine and Covenants 교리와성약 where in liberty Jail Joseph and other leaders were incarcerated in Liberty jail, their afflictions where obviously indescribably horrid, however it brought me to read in the October Liahona the account from the diary of Parley P Pratt where he says he escapes and was going to a state over to see his family but then he heard a voice saying..." For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." Straight out of Matthew 16.  He subsequently turned back and faced imprisonment with his brethren in the Lord and Gods chosen prophet.  They there after experienced the terrible hardships of Liberty in Missouri harshest winters to date.  However, through this experience he learned a powerful lesson and so have it.  No matter what hardships we are 'CALLED"(these hardships are callings, like bishop or RS Prez, in which we are chosen to experience and endure) to pass through, Christ will be our strength and our Rock and we shall progress and grow to eventually become the refined godly, righteous, spiritual being we were meant to become here :)
My new companion- He's a bit on the short end but he has a big testimony!

Before Elder Heo left we had SulBing!

In Gongju for District meeting 

JEJUS loves us 

Sejong lake Park at night


Taking Elder Heo's stuff to the post office to send to JeonJu

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